The differences between refurbished and used products?
They may look the same but there are major differences between the two!
Be aware!
Refurbished (or reconditionned) and used are two words that people often interchange. YET, they have two very different meanings!
Yes refurbished means it was pre-owned (i.e.: used) and was used in the past but, the differences between refurbished and used are by no means negligible!
Refurbished and used products – Are they the same?
The short answer is NO, they are not! The two products may look identical on the surface but, in reality, they are quite different! Don’t fall prey to the attractive prices of used products!
They may cost more but, in the long run, paying a bit more for refurbished hardware will definitely give you peace of mind!
As a matter of fact, with all the advantages they offer to businesses, buying refurbished IT hardware is a winning solution that should always be considered.
What to buy? Used or refurbished?
That is the big question!
As a business owner, an executive or just a responsible employee, just ask yourself how much are your corporate data and your company as a whole, worth to you?

Differences between used and refurbished hardware
Used products are sold "AS IS". Meaning that, they might be physically damaged, some parts might be missing and in extreme cases, could be dead on arrival (DOA).
Whereas refurbished (or reconditionnned) products on the other hand:
- Have been thoroughly cleaned and tested
- Damaged and/or defective components were either repared or replaced
- Documentation listing the various tests performed accompanies the products
- Last but not least, the products being put back on the market come with a solid warranty
Paying the lowest price is not always the best choice
Remember, you get what you pay for!
You may get lucky and have no trouble when buying used instead of refurbished.
HOWEVER, considering that network and telecommunication equipment, servers and storage solutions are critical to your business running smoothly, its performance, continued growth and success, can you really afford to take that risk just to save just a few dollars?
This is a question that all business owners and IT managers must ask themselves otherwise, the result may be painful.

Your corporate data could be at risk!
Yes used products are available at very low prices and yes you "may" be just fine BUT, are you really ready to risk the health of your corporate data just to save a few dollars?
Equipment failure

Just ask yourself this simple question
How much does each hour of downtime due to equipment failures, cost my company and, can I afford it?
If, due to the price difference between the two, you choose to purchase used equipment rather than refurbished products, the chances of experiencing equipment failures are considerably higher than if you had purchased refurbished!
Look at that question from all its angles!

Buying used products instead of refurbished ones is a risk that can cost your business a lot in both time and money.
It is therefore important to examine this question from all the angles! Be aware that these costs are not just limited to the operations, performance and productivity of your business!

Buying used IT equipment puts your company in jeopardy!
Not choosing the appropriate solution in order to cut costs can be a mistake that, depending on the circumstances, can result in very costly consequences. Not to mention some very unhappy executives.
Just to name a few examples, when you buy used IT equipment and it becomes defective, you risk things such as:
- Damaging your business' reputation
- Damaging, maybe even loosing, customer relationships!
- And, other factors may also come into play...
Our approach
Data Telcom’s business philosophy is very simple, TOTAL and complete customer satisfaction!
As such, it goes without saying that we’re about having a long term and mutally beneficial business partnership with our customers. We want our customers to think of us next time they need to buy products.
And we’re not just there at the time of the initial sale, we are there for our customers at all times! Should a product become defective, we are still here for you.
We only sell refurbished products
Each and everyone of the refurbished (or reconditioned) products we supply has been:
We value our customers.
That's why we make sure we provide knowledgeable and accurate information as well as top of the line, reliable and high-quality hardware products.
- Thoroughly tested to ensure they work well
- Are equivalent to new products
- Are covered by our standard 1 year warranty

Business philosophy
Our business philosophy is simple, we aim for our customers' TOTAL and complete satisfaction!

In conclusion
You can relax and have peace of mind knowing that by selecting Data Telcom as a business partner for your IT purchases, you have made the right decision, both for yourself and your business!
Contact Data Telcom today and find out how we can meet, satisfy and even exceed your requirements and expectations!