Data storage is absolutely critical!
As indicated in our previous post "The importance of data storage" CANNOT be overstated!
It is CRITICAL to your business' continued growth and success!
Having said this, before we delve into why local data storage is still necessary, it's important to fist understand the differences between cloud storage and local data storage.
Both offer significant advantages but also come with some limitations.
Therefore, it's important to understand the differences between them, in order to decide which one suits your business requirements best or, if using both technologies is the more advantageous way to go.
What is cloud storage?
Simply put,cloud storage is the storing of data in an online space (ex: Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, etc…), that is accessible via the Internet, to all who have the proper login credentials.
What is local data storage?
As the name implies, this is storage such as disk arrays, hard drives, solid state drives, tape cartridges and other medias, that resides on your company’s premises.
Local data storage vs. cloud storage
Now that we’ve established what is the difference between those two methods of storing data, let’s get into it.

Cloud storage
Cloud services offer many benefits to organizations BUT, as indicated previously, it also comes with some limitations.
Here is a brief summary of what it boils down to.
Benefits | Limitations | |
Now let’s go further into details as to what exactly are the benefits and limitations of cloud storage.
Benefits | Limitations | |
Cost reductions.
Scalability and Redundancy
Enhanced security
| Latency and possible downtime
Internet connectivity

Local storage
Just like cloud storage, local storage offers many benefits, some of which are far from being negligible. It does however come at a cost.
Just like we did for cloud storage here's a brief summary of what it boils down to, followed by a more in-depth explanation.
Benefits | Limitations | |
Again, let’s go further into details as to what exactly are the benefits and limitations of local storage.
Benefits | Limitations | |
Access control and data security
Complete independence from the Internet
| Costs
Hardware damage resulting in loss of data
To summarize

Local data storage gives you?
Performance and total access control
If performance and total control over who and what, has access to your sensitive data is what you need, local storage is the option for you.
Cloud storage gives you?
Access to your data from anywhere
If accessibility at all times from anywhere in the world, at the lowest possible cost, is your primary concern, cloud storage does that for you.Just make sure that you have a contract (i.e.: service level agreement [SLA]) in place with your provider, that insures your data is secured at all times and only accessible to the people with the proper authentication credentials.
Cloud storage is offered by Managed Service Providers (MSPs)
Managed service providers (MSPs) have sophisticated security mechanisms and infrastructures in place to address those concerns.If the one you're currently using doesn't, look for another!
Do your research!
There is a third option that CANNOT be overlooked

Hybrid storage infrastructures give you?
The best of both worlds
However, it may be that, just like many businesses and organizations, combining both local and cloud storage is the way to go.Take note
When you combine local storage with cloud storage, you have a hybrid storage infrastructure in place. This type of infrastructure allows you to have:
- The performance you need.
- Control over who accesses your data
- Your data safely stored off-site.
- Thereby, protecting it against any kind of disaster at your facilities.
- Secure remote access to your data from anywhere in the world.
In conclusion
Data storage is everything! Losing your storage can have some very serious and very unpleasant consequences!
Now that you have a clearer understanding of the situation, you’re in a better position and, you’re able to make more informed decisions as to what type of storage best meets your business requirements.