Buying refurbished IT hardware makes good business sense!
Why exactly is buying refurbished hardware equipment good business and, why does it make good business sense?
While taking into account the available budgets, in order to succeed in today’s business world, companies must be committed to and take full advantage of what information technologies have to offer.
Cut costs and maintain, and possibly enhance, capabilities!
Business leaders, CIOs and IT Managers are always on the lookout for ways to:
- Enhance their data processing capabilities.
- Get better performance.
- Get the best bang for their buck.
As mentioned in our article “Where do refurbished products come from?“, refurbished hardware products can address those objectives!
That’s why buying refurbished hardware makes good business sense.

But why buy refurbished hardware?
Put quite simply, the answer to that question is cost!
- Typically, refurbished IT hardware sells for a fraction of the price and is just as good, sometimes even better than brand new products.
- When buying refurbished information technology hardware equipment, businesses, both large and small, can expect savings anywhere between 40-95%, versus what they would pay for brand new, out of the box products.
Reduce costs and capital expenditures
Therefore, it makes perfect sense that more and more companies are now buying refurbished IT products. Not to mention that, since it helps reduce capital expenditures, it’s good business.
Large companies, data centers especially, upgrade their IT infrastructures every couple of years. Why? For various reasons.
General rules are:
- It’s because the company’s growth has exceeded the capabilities of the hardware on hand or, in the case of data centers especially, they need the latest and greatest in order to comply with the service level agreements (SLAs) they have in place with their customers.
- On average, data centers use the hardware they have for 2-3 years when in actual fact, for most companies, that same equipment would have met their needs for up to 10 years, in some cases, maybe even longer.

Good decision that makes good business sense!
Buying refurbished hardware from a reputable supplier is good business!
It enables you to save significant amounts of money!
Not to mention that it also enables you to acquire hardware for your IT infrastructures, that might otherwise be out of your reach, due to budget constraints!
A good decision that saves you big!
Data Telcom sells high quality, proven and fully tested reseller refurbished networking and telecommunications equipment, servers, data storage systems and all their peripherals.
All are at very attractive prices and backed by a solid warranty

What exactly does refurbished mean?
By definition, refurbished means the product has been used by someone else in the past. Nothing to be scared about though.
Refurbished is good for businesses
As outlined in our article “Differences between refurbished and used products”, refurbished hardware looks, feels and performs just like new products do. It’s also backed by a solid warranty.
Refurbished products come from a variety of sources such as:
- Vendor take-outs
- Product returns
- Cancelled orders
- Wrong product ordered
- Product leases
- Asset recovery
- Equipment buybacks
- Bankruptcies
- Products with cosmetic damages that prevent them from being sold as new
- Etc…

Refurbishing process
In order for them to be classified as refurbished, products have been thoroughly cleaned and subjected to a battery of tests, to make sure all is well and functioning properly.
When required, updates to the microcode are also done.
Only once all that has been done, are the products put back on the market as refurbished goods.

Buying refurbished IT hardware means?
Recycling through remarketing!
A lot of computer equipment contains "toxic" metals!
The remarketing of computer equipment reduces the number of products that end up in landfills or elsewhere.
Buying refurbished products is good for the environment and helps protect it for years to come.

In conclusion
Buying refurbished means you're acquiring products:
- At heavilly discounted prices.
- In other words "you save money"!
- That have undergone extensive and thorough testing to make sure all is well with them.
- That look, feel, perform and are just as reliable as new ones
- That are accompanied by a solid warranty
- That are enabling you to do some good for the environment
Don’t be worried!
When it comes to refurbished products, Data Telcom is VERY stringent.
We want our customers to be pleased with the products they buy from us and we want to build long term business relationships with them.
That’s why you can rest assured that any and all refurbished products you buy from us has met our high standards of quality.
And, should you run into any kind of issue after the fact, just like everything else you buy from us, we’ll be there to assist you. Either by getting the product repaired, at Data Telcom’s expense, or replaced.